I’m Gatien De Broucker, a Health Economist, data analyst, and systems thinker. In my day job, I work to advance access to care for people around the world.

As a Health Economist at Johns Hopkins University, I’m all too familiar with the struggles researchers and students alike face in terms of turning abstract ideas into concrete projects, with clear milestones and expectations.

While we, as academics, know and accept that we will face certain inefficiencies in our work, getting in our own way shouldn’t be one of them.

We aren’t necessarily “project managers” but we still have projects to manage.

So I looked for a way to organize our projects, easily share our progress, keep all team members informed and accountable, and be more productive.

We came to academia in the first place to do meaningful work and I believe if we can manage our projects and teams better, we can get back to that.


  Feel free to contact me

  or say hi on Twitter !